I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Boys & Girls Club of America. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation. #TriplePlay10
Eating right, exercising and spending quality time with our family are three things that we know we should do. But how many of us actually do it on a regular basis? With more and more our personal lives moving online such as working, banking, and shopping, the less time we have for real life human interaction and activity. Yet this is not good for our society’s children, because nearly 3 out of 10 kids in the United States are either overweight or obese. We have to get moving more often my friends!
From a young age, activities such as taking part in school sports, making friends at after school clubs, and maintaining a balanced diet contribute to the health of our children’s mind, body, and soul. The skills and routines practiced as children influence habits well into adulthood, and establishing healthy lifestyle patterns with our children helps them carry these skills forward for the rest of their lives.
This is the purpose behind Triple Play, a Boys & Girls Clubs of America community program. With help from their partners, The Coca-Cola Company and Anthem BlueCross Foundation, Boys & Girls Club of America founded Triple Play to encourage parents to help shape their children’s future and get more active together. Through Triple Play, youth are encouraged to participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least 60 minutes per day. However, the sad fact is that only about 1/4 of youth in our country, ages 12-15, are even meeting this recommendation.
Since launching in 2005, Triple Play has made close to 10 million connections with kids to share the importance of physical activity and proper nutrition through the program’s three components focused on mind, body and soul.
- Mind: Develops a knowledge base for young people to acquire healthy habits, such as making smart food choices, understanding appropriate portion sizes and creating fun and balanced meals.
- Body: Promotes young people becoming more physically active through fun daily fitness, including activities to get kids active and moving.
- Soul: Strengthens interpersonal skills, positive behavior and good character through social recreation programs and activities.
This past week my family and I took up the Triple Play challenge! First, I downloaded the Triple Play Parents Game Plan. Then my kids selected which activities they wanted to participate in from the Bodies: Fun Fitness Activity Section. Since my son loves basketball, he volunteered to play a few hoops with his mom. Final score! Mom – 0 / Field Trip Boy – 8!
And since Field Trip Girl has really increased her activity level this year by playing soccer, she selected to run a couple of soccer scrimmages with her brother.
After a few rounds of basketball and soccer, my kids decided to run around at the park for a good old game of Cat and Mouse. This is a excellent game for bone (running) and muscle (climbing) strengthening.
I also personally took up the Triple Play challenge and went for a brisk walk through one of our local canyons yesterday. It was a muggy 85 degrees, but I made it!
Are you ready to take up the Triple Play challenge? To get your children more physically active and emotionally strong, sign up for the Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s free Triple Play Parents Game Plan here.
Happy Exercising!