As a member of The bLink Marketing Network, I participated in this sponsored post written by me on behalf of Proctor & Gamble. All opinions are 100% my own. #LaundryRedefined!
Two months ago, I had a minor out-patient surgery at my local hospital. Recovery was not easy, but thanks to my wonderful husband and mother and the help of Gain flings!, I was able to get back on my feet fairly quickly.
At my pre-op appointment, my doctor advised me that I was going to need to take it easy and relax for the next six weeks. I would also not be able to bend or lift anything heavy.
My first thought was “who’s going to run my household?” My family relies upon me to keep everybody and everything afloat. How was the laundry going to get done? What about the dishes? Who was going to take the children to school and so on. I ruminated about my upcoming surgery for days.
But then…things just fell into place. My already helpful husband pitched in and took on even more household chores. My mother came down to visit and took care of me for a few days while I recuperated in bed. We ordered a lot of take out. And things slowly, but surely, started to return to normal.
Looking back now, there are a few key things that really helped in my recovery – my family, friends and particularly the use of Gain flings!.
You see, normally I don’t like to do laundry. In fact, it’s one of my least favorite chores. But after having surgery, the task of doing laundry became physically painful for me. So that’s when Mr. SoCal Field Trips stepped in to save the day!
For six weeks he carried the laundry downstairs for me.
Then he added in the Gain flings!
And finally tossed in laundry and pressed start. Over and over again, he did the laundry while I recuperated.
Since I could not lift anything heavy, such as a typical laundry bottle, we used Gain flings! to make the task easier. Sometimes after Mr. SoCal Field Trips loaded the laundry, I would toss in a Gain fling myself and press the start button. It did not require much effort on my part.
Not only are Gain flings! easy to use, they’re easy on the nose too. With 50% more of the scent we love, plus Oxi- Boost and Febreze, our clothes were left clean and fresh. That’s a good feeling to have when you are required to sit around in sweats all day and recover from surgery!
Plus Gain flings! work in all types of washing machines and water temperatures. Just remember though, like any other household cleaning product, it’s important to keep laundry pacs stored away and out of the reach of children at all times.
To learn out more about Gain flings!, you can connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube.
Thanks to my recovery team and Gain flings!, I was able to get back on feet in no time and resume my normal responsibilities as “domestic engineer” for my family!
So now its your time to share – what’s your least favorite household chore?
As a member of The bLink Marketing Network, I participated in this sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Proctor & Gamble. The opinions and text are all mine.