This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #V8EnergyBoost #CollectiveBias
It’s 7:00 am and the alarm goes off. I hit the snooze button and nod off again. I don’t hear the kids yet, right? Ten minutes later the snooze button goes off again. I jump out of bed frantic. We are now officially late.
Are the kids dressed for school? Did my husband feed them breakfast? What about the dog? Does he need to go potty? Oh, wait! I need to answer that email about attending a media event tonight. And this is only Monday!
I admit it. I am not a morning person. I would much rather sleep in till noon and work through the night. But I can’t. I have a family! I have responsibilities I need to attend to like school carpool, caring for my kids, running a small business, chores, cooking, etc.
But on this particular Monday, when I hit the snooze button, I had more on my to do list than normal.
Therefore, I grabbed a Peach Mango V8 V-Fusion+Energy drink, with natural energy from Green Tea, to help me get through the day. I like V8 VFusion+Energy drinks because they are a refreshing picker upper. They give me that extra boost of energy when I need it most. They are also nutritious, offering a combined serving of fruit and vegetable, and taste just like fruit.
So then my day began…
7:30 am – I made the kid’s lunches.
7:45 am – I scurried the kids into the car along with Field Trip Dog. Of course he has to go everywhere with us!
8:10 am – I dropped Field Trip Girl off at school.
I have two different kids at two different schools this year. Hopefully, next year this problem will be resolved, but for now we race everyday to get to school on time. Thank goodness there is only 15 days until summer break. This mama needs it!
8:30 am – I dropped Field Trip Boy off at school.
9:00 am – I took Field Trip Dog to the groomers. As you can tell, he was not very happy about it!
9:30 am – I got home and immediately started working on my blog. Everyday I try to write at least one blog post for my readers. Typically it takes me 2 to 4 hours to write a post.
11:30 am – Time to pick up Field Trip Girl from Kindergarten.
12:00 pm – After we got home again and I made Field Trip Girl lunch, I started going through my emails.
1:30 pm – Play time! Field Trip Girl and I played Barbies for about an hour and then I hopped back on the computer to check my social media.
It is a fine balance being a work at home mom. I constantly feel pulled in so many different directions. But its worth it! At least I get to be home with my kids.
2:30 pm – Time to take Field Trip Girl to her weekly Occupational and Speech Therapy appointments. It is a 30 minute drive one way. Thank goodness my husband picks her up for me after work. I love my hubby!
4:00 pm – I picked up Field Trip Boy from school and headed over to Chuck E Cheese’s for an afternoon play date.
The moms had a great time chit chatting away, while the boys earned over 500 tickets to redeem.
By now, I definitely needed a second V8 V-Fusion+Energy drink to give me some feel good energy to get me through the end of the day.
6:30 pm – We got home from the play date and I made an easy dinner. Hooray for leftovers!
7:00 pm – Let the homework drama begin! Field Trip Boy typically has two worksheets per night and Field Trip Girl has one.
8:00 pm – I get the kids in the bath and read them books. This is my favorite time of day with them!
8:30 pm – Bedtime! I tucked the kids in the bed, had a quick conversation with my husband and finished up any last-minute work related projects.
11 pm – Bedtime for this mama!
Thank goodness I had the natural staying power of a V8 V-Fusion+Energy drink to help me make it till the end of the day! You can pick up a wide variety V8 V-Fusion+Energy drinks at your local Walmart store. I found them in the juice aisle.
V8 V-Fusion+Energy single serve cans come in a variety of flavors too including:
- Pomegranate Blueberry
- Peach Mango
- Orange Pineapple
- Black Cherry
- Tomato
- Diet Strawberry Lemonade
- Diet Cranberry Raspberry
Now for an exciting giveaway! Enter to win $2,500 in the V8 V-Fusion+Energy Sweepstakes!
V8 V-Fusion+Energy #V8EnergyBoost $2,500 Sweepstakes
What is your favorite V8 V-Fusion+Energy drink flavor? Share with us the comment section below.
Carolyn West
Friday 5th of June 2015
It's a wonder we get anything done at all with all the driving around. It's so necessary to find that burst of energy in the afternoons. I have started grabbing a V8 on the way to get my kids from school. It's my 10 minutes alone time in the car. #client
Saturday 6th of June 2015
I agree! Moms play so many different roles it is hard to get anything done.