How many times a day does your child say “Mom, I am hungry”? Once, twice, three times? Well, in our home it is more like six times a day. I can handle the first request fairly well. Probably the second. But by the third “I am hungry” battle cry, I am ready to put the fridge on remote control.
That’s when I got this brilliant idea that I need to start teaching my children how to cook. Not just for themselves, but for me. Why not? I need to eat too, right?
So here are three new foodie goals for my family. By the end of 2014 my two children will:
1. Learn how to pour a bowl of cereal without spilling the milk.
2. Make a basic peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the jelly landing on the ground.
3. Help mommy bake in the kitchen without calling 911.
I know these are over the top goals, but I am determined!
To help my family accomplish these new goals, I signed up my 7-year old for William-Sonoma’s FREE cooking classes at our local mall on Saturday mornings.
Did you notice the word FREE?
William-Sonoma offers free children’s cooking classes at various locations throughout Southern California for children ages 3+.
William-Sonoma does not post their free cooking classes on their website. I learned about it from a friend. Therefore, the best way to find a William-Sonoma’s children’s cooking class near you is to visit their store locator at
Once you find a store, call them to inquire further and sign up your children. That’s what I did and it worked like a charm.
In the meantime, to learn how to have patience in the kitchen when cooking with your children (something I am working hard on these days), visit
Happy Field Tripping,
Field Trip Coordinator
SoCal Field Trips
© Jilleen Butler and SoCal Field Trips, 2013 – Current. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jilleen Butler and SoCal Field Trips with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.