Geocaching in Orange County is a fun activity that the entire family or group will love. Using GPS coordinates on your mobile phone, you’ll search for the “buried” treasure in various Orange County locations. Beachside, at a mall, or in the hills, trinkets are hidden, awaiting discovery by fun-seeking people.

What is Geocaching?
If you’re new to the geocache game, it’s easy to become involved. Simply download the app on your Smartphone. Then list an address or area, such as Orange County. The map on your phone will populate with geocache spots. Click on one and follow the coordinates. You can also sign into and look up locations in your area by their name.
As you find the treasure, which can be anything from a plant, pencil, or even a photo, take a photo of your prize, and leave it for others to find later. Then, it’s off to your next geocache adventure.
With hundreds or thousands of geocache locations in the region, here is a list of some of people’s favorite geocaching spots in Orange County. May the odds forever be in your favor!
Where To Go Geocaching in Orange County
Reach For It
The clue for this location is high above the car, next to the train. Reach For It’s treasure is in a plain envelope. Snap a photo and leave the treasure for more geocachers to find.
Walnut Trail in Between Fences
This geocache takes you on a walk along Walnut Trail. The clue for Walnut Trail in Between Fences is a seven-digit number on a wooden pole. Insert the number on the certitude link on the app for the token’s location.

What’s Up Doc?
What’s Up Doc? You’ll find a small square container, good for small tokens to be stored. Take a picture and add a token, if you’d like. At the time it was established, several rabbits were hopping about.
With a nice view of a park, the Vaqueros location is part of a school pride project.
6 Trains Magic Mountain
Walk or ride a bicycle to 6 Trains Magic Mountain along Walnut Trail. Geocachers are encouraged to leave a token.
I Like Turtles
With a view of a lake, watch for turtles popping their heads above water as you search for the cache at I Like Turtles. The cache is a box with quotes, so bring a pen to leave your own family-friendly quote.
Scotty, We Need More Power!
A historical building is the star of the Scotty, We Need More Power! geocache. Be prepared to search the area for the treasure.
The President and the Admiral
Perfect for children or someone starting out in the world of geocache, The President and the Admiral is about 10 years old and remains a popular cache.
Perfect for children or someone starting out in the world of geocache, The President and the Admiral is about 10 years old and remains a popular cache.

Operation Seagull
A clue for Operation Seagull recommends checking near Jim Morrison’s band. While the terrain is flat and wheelchair accessible, there is a curb that needs to be negotiated.
Peter Pan Welcomes You
As Peter Pan Welcomes You, you’ll want to search for the second block to the right and go straight until you find the pine cones.
As you explore Orange County in search of treasure, you’ll find that geocaching is a fun activity that the entire family or group will enjoy. No worries about what to do over a weekend or on a sunny day, just head out for a day of fun.
Happy Field Tripping!